
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Time Display

Time: 1 hour

Recycled Bottles
Recycled glass containers (I used empty pesto ones)
Mod Podge
Recycled books/magazines

Modpodge the bottles and when dry modpodge the magazine pictures over the top
Cut a cork in half (or use some other decoration) and hotglue onto top (bottom) of glass jar (I used caps as a base)

Paint lid and glue to the top of the bottle
I think the finished product turned out really pretty :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Birds

Time: 20 minutes

Recycled Peanut Butter lids
Spray Paint
Fabric Scraps

1. Spray paint the lids and let dry
2. Cut out fabric to fit
3. Modpodge the fabric onto the lids
4. Cute out the wings and beaks
5.Modpoge onto dried fabric
6. Paint a dot for the eye
7. Allow to dry then hang up!

I think they turned out really cute!